
Sacraments of Confession & Communion

  1. Only Baptized Orthodox Christians may partake in the sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion in the Orthodox Church.
  2. In the Russian Orthodox Church all Christians, age 7 and older must give confession before partaking in Holy Communion.
  3. All Orthodox must prepare for Holy Communion by Fasting according to the Church rules.
  4. Orthodox that are preparing to partake in Holy Communion must be present and attentive at the evening services on the eve of Holy Communion. During the service, confessions will be heard at the appropriate time when the priest is not rushed and the confession can be heard in a calm and thoughtful manor. For those people that are unable to attend evening services they must arrive to church on time for the reading of the Hours for confession.
  5. Confession during Liturgy is only permitted for people who are unable to attend evening services, usually because they are ill, infirm, have small children or due to other extenuating circumstances. Confession during the Liturgy should never be a habit. It becomes hurried and incomplete. At that time it can also become disruptive to everyone else in church.
  6. At home, preparatory prayers for Communion, that can be found in most prayer books, should be read.
  7. Persons preparing for Holy Communion cannot eat nor drink as of midnight until after Communion.
  8. Men must never cover their heads in church and women should have their heads covered. Attire for both men and women must be modest. Shorts are not allowed. One should never wear tee shirts, sports attire or gaudy garments. Women should never wear pants or miniskirts. The convent has skirt covers for those who need it. One can ask the nuns for such covering.
  9. No one should take Holy Communion with lipstick on.
  10. When approaching the Chalice, arms should be folded over the chest, right over left. Upon standing in front of the priest, state your Baptismal name clearly so that it will be heard by the communing priest. Open your mouth wide. Upon receiving the Holy Mysteries, close your mouth around the spoon gently. Kiss only the bottom of the Chalice. Never reach out for the Chalice nor attempt to kiss the priest’s hand.
  11. After receiving Holy Communion one must stay and listen to the Thanksgiving Prayers that are read during the veneration of the Cross or they must be read  at home in the prayer book.
  12. Following Holy Communion one should piously return home, retain a prayerful peaceful calm, do good works and be sure to avoid the returning to the sins that one has confessed.
  13. If you have any questions or are unsure of what to do, please speak with one of the priests and always follow the advice of your spiritual father.