Panikhidas are served in our monastery, where people pray for their reposed loved ones. According to the teaching of the Holy Orthodox Church, all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ do not die, but live forever. “And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die” (John 11:26). Therefore, after their repose Orthodox Christians do not cease to be members of the Holy Church, maintaining prayerful communion with all her other children. Anyone who wants to show his love care for the repose and provide spiritual support and help can best do this by praying for them.
A Panikhida (Memorial Service) is service for the reposed, at which the departed are prayerfully commemorated and, in the hope of God’s mercy, they ask for forgiveness of sins and blessed eternal life. Memorial services are performed both before the burial of the deceased, and after – on the 3rd, 9th, 40th day after death, on the days of his birth, namesake, on the anniversary of death. In addition to funeral services for individual deceased, the Church also performs the so-called. ecumenical or parental memorial services. They are served on special days called Parental Saturdays. (A list of Parental Saturdays is provided below.
A memorial service may be served in a church or on a grave in a cemetery (weather permitting). When a new monument or cross is erected, there is also a pious tradition to consecrate them. If you do not have the opportunity to come, you can order a memorial service in absentia and it will be served by the priest of the monastery on the day you specified.
How to Submit Request for Panihida
- A note for a prayer service can be submitted in the monastery itself: in the church, in the book nook or through the office.
- You can also call or email the office at 845-356-0425 or
- Submit a note using the online form here: