Visiting the Sick

If a person is sick or dying and is unable to go to the church, priest can visit such person at home. If the person is conscious, they can be anointed, confessed, and communed. For those who are near repose and are unconscious, the Canon for the departure of the soul can be read.
Please call the office at 845-356-0425
If the office is closed please call one of the convent priests directly:
Fr. Siluan 239-834-0803
Fr. Artemii 845-729-1281
Blessing of Homes

Home visits also include house blessing. House blessing is performed when everything in the new home is in order. For this, a priest is invited, who performs a moleben in a specially prepared room. A bowl for the blessing of water, icons, candles, and a note to the priest with the names of everyone living in the house, and a towel for hands are prepared. Candles are placed in candle holders, or, if there are none, glasses or small cups filled with grains can be used.
There must be a small table, preferably covered with a clean tablecloth, where the priest can place the holy items. The priest himself, or someone else, draws special crosses on the walls. These crosses, as holy seals, protect the house from all spiritual enemies. Also, special stickers can be purchased at the church shop. After the blessing with water, the crosses drawn on the walls of the house are anointed with holy oil while special prayers are read.
This is followed by a litany with remembrance of all those living and “wishing to live piously in this house.” The blessing ends with kissing the cross. It is important to explain to your family the essence of what is happening, to attune them to reverent behavior, that upon the arrival of the priest they should receive his blessing, as well as after the rite of blessing, to venerate the cross.
It will be of great spiritual benefit for you and your family if the priest has time to stay for a cup of tea. Remember that visit of the priest to your home is a wonderful opportunity for the entire family to resolve spiritual issues and take important steps in spiritual life that they might not take in another setting.
Therefore, do not spare any effort in preparing your loved ones, and ensure that the performance of the rite does not turn into an exotic “event” for your household members. The blessing of the house is a home celebration! To maintain your home in spiritual purity, it is necessary not to invoke unclean forces within its walls, not to use foul language, not to quarrel, not to engage in fortune-telling or witchcraft.
A Christian’s home is sacred, and nothing unclean should be present in it. All new items in the house should be sprinkled with holy water and consecrated with prayer.